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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Translation to English using Google Translate

Malay to English translation

I deliberately choose this topic to share info to all who may not know the results of the administration of Pakatan Rakyat in Penang. That just caused by the Main Media Malaysia (TV3, RTM, Utusan Malaysia, The Star, NST, etc.) are all evil administration in Penang. I give examples of the administration of the Penang DAP is because the people hate us this is the right label DAP as a Chinese party. But what brought and proved under the administration of DAP with Pakatan Rakyat. Open-mindedness was born Malay people, especially to see the difference under an efficient government. To confirm you can see their own self-http://www.penang.gov.my or call for satisfaction and I want to remember gabby kot2laa korang icon smile Penang Pakatan Rakyat.

Question Of the Hon. ARIF DATUK HAJI SHAH BIN OMAR SHAH (BN-Seberang Jaya)
The state government is weak now seen primarily with internal problems that are disseminated through the press and the stories about the incompetence of certain members of the executive council duties. Are these claims true? If not, please list the new policies are introduced in detail the individual portfolios held by all executive council, including Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister.

Penang Chief Minister's response
Allegation Y.B. the Exco members are not competent in carrying out their duties is not justified at all. For the past year, the State Government has formulated a new administrative policies in addition to dismantling the existing administrative system. The policies outlined by all the executive council, including the Honourable Chief Minister and Y.B. Deputy Minister are as attached.

Portfolio: MMK International Trade, Industrial Development, Land Affairs Land Development

1. Introducing governance CAT (Competency, Accountability & Telus) in Malaysia: combating corruption and clean government could prove a better performance than the corrupt government;
2. Cancellation of the summons on the hawkers and parking summons offense;
3. Red Bridge Opens in Phase 3 Bayan Lepas to reduce traffic congestion;
4. The increase in allowance of RM50 per month Kafa Teachers;
5. The review procedures in land administration / land fraud investigations;
6. Cancellation of the purchase of 4 new official car of RM500, 000;
7. Appoint a member of the NGO and I first as a member of the Local Government Council;
8. Road signs in both languages, namely Malay with Chinese, Malay with English, Malay and Tamil and Malay with Jawi Languages / Arabic in the range of Georgetown Heritage Zone;
9. KOMTAR recovery efforts, including maintaining the State Government Administrative Centre KOMTAR;
10. Quotation of the open tender through the Internet with the implementation of e-Procurement System that allows for open tenders on the Internet and objection period;
11. Total investments into Penang for the year 2008 to reach RM10.2 billion compared with RM4.7 billion in 2007;
12. Efforts to attract foreign investment by establishing a Task Force headed by the Chief Minister of each investment in excess of RM1 billion and also facilitate the administration of state government as the basis of "build first, pass later";
13. Recruitment of foreign workers in the manufacturing sector, particularly electronics and electrical sector, textiles and garments, and frozen services sector;
14. The establishment of the Career Support and Training (CAT Centre) to help those who lost his job;
15. Establish Revolving Capital Fund for Small Traders and Hawkers of Penang with a maximum loan amount of RM10, 000.00 with a maximum repayment period of 5 years for each applicant;
16. Established the Penang Global Tourism Sdn. Bhd.. To promote and encourage the development of the tourism sector;
17. The annual allocation of RM8.5 million for religious schools, schools of Chinese and Tamil national-type schools, secondary schools national-type Chinese, mission schools and private secondary schools. 1.5 million provision for religious schools were added from RM3.7 million allocated for the purpose of religious education for the year 2009 by the state;
18. Cancelling the purchase of notebook computers and printers for the Assembly of RM300 thousand for the years 2008-2009;
19. Giving money to a more compassionate 100.00 170.000 poor families who spend RM17 million;
20. Exclude all non-government owned schools are registered with the Ministry of Education and non-profits from paying land tax to pay the nominal fee of RM1.00;
21. Providing free WiFi and WiMax across the country;
22. Established with the provisions of the Halal Hub area of 131 acres of industrial land in Bukit Minyak for Phase 1 and 2;
23. Allowing people to use media as a media pass security passes in KOMTAR;
24. Free rice assistance to welfare recipients;
25. Managed to become the first state in Malaysia are able to eradicate hardcore poverty by ensuring that all families get at least 500.00 a month with the financial assistance under the Anti-Poverty Plan (RAK);
26. Formation of the Freedom of Information (CAT) - to the freedom of the press in an environment without the knowledge gaps and constraints;
27. Live Conference Legislative Assembly through the internet, Web TV;
28. The proposed conversion of the leasehold title to the land holdings of 99 years for industrial / commercial and residential property remained for flats / low and medium cost houses by the government to return land to the people;
29. Limit the prohibition of heavy vehicles on the Penang Bridge and the production of special pass to solve the problem of congestion at the bridge;
30. Setting the disaster response issued within 24 hours to the victims;
31. Appoint Deputy Chief Minister in Malaysia from India and Chairman of the Malay race first to InvestPenang;
32. Reduce the allowances of the Chairman and Secretary JKKK to RM350.00 and RM250.00 RM600.00 and RM500.00 a month of each;
33. Giving the award of medals and stars based on community contributions or achievement rather than political background in which there is not the first time a member of the Executive Council, Assembly or local government council member received a medal which caused the number of Dato 'Seri Utama Dato' Seri and Dato 'reduced from 82 in 2007 to 38 in 2008;
34. Prohibit all members of the administration and the Assembly Government rather than making new applications for state land;
35. Awards and recognition to the financial hafiz on penghafal and teaching the Quran who served in the State of Penang;
36. RM1 million allocation for the youth to be known as the Volunteer Patrol Team (PRS) for the control of public safety and enhance the fight against crime;
37. Conducting business contracts and supply-saving state dengn that it is worth the reasonable price at which the government money by RM1.62 million improvement project saved as the Hill Train;
38. Recover payment of the fine RM4.2 million from Gamuda Berhad, which failed to comply with planning permission for double track railway project of RM12.485 billion;
39. Recover royalty payments sand RM6.6 million from the Penang Port Sdn Bhd;
40. Reclaim possession of the building assessment arrears UMNO and MCA years of RM238, 632.17 and
41. RM5-RM10 rebate per month for a house of worship as much as RM64, 000 per annum.


1. Effort to expedite the process of getting results and reducing red tape, the government had to remove the committee is not required. Related to land administration, a reference to review the following committees have been abolished:

(A) Ad-hoc Committee Tukarsyarat Land;
(B) Water Mitigation Committee and
(C) of the Land Hill

2. The state government has provided more opportunities and confidence to the landowners for the land lease term is longer the justification for linking the industrial and commercial land lease to 99 years for all types of land and property for residential housing remains low and medium cost ( now be notified to the National Land Council);
3. Establishment of the Committee together professionals from the five experts and professional organizations to improve and simplify the procedures and processes on land matters and
4. The State Government has introduced a policy on the disposal of the strategic land made by open tender process in manasemua companies can take part. This measure is to avoid the tendency to provide opportunities for certain companies.

Excerpt from the blog YB Lim Guan Eng

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pulau Bruit - Why, What, Where?




Monday, October 18, 2010


  • Alejandro Alemannia
    Another person today guaranteed to be on the ground 1000% agreed that SCORE is just another propaganda to korek public funds... wakkakakaka... let us start to be on the ground or toxic ground????????? (This person is not brain washed by the... "alternative" media as he doesnt have facebook and malaysiakini is another porn site????? hahahahaha)

    Which is alternative media nowadays? print (govt controlled/owned) or internet (unalderated opionions from North and South Pole)?? :)

    * Sticky Note: Due to the political postings on this site, let me correct what might be an inadvertent assumption. This site is non-aligned to any political party/parties as can be verified from previous postings. It seeks to highlight issues, political or otherwise, of personal interest.

    Friday at 4:10am

  • Patrick Song
    All those who criticise SCORE should come up with a valid proposal which can produce similar results. Most importantly is that, what is their proposal to ulitilise the amounts and development already expended and completed on SCORE? Just g...ive you an example on the SIMC project in Sarawak. The project was completed about 4 years ago, was on it's way to become another white elephant when a young doctor managed to draw up a proposal and gotthe Ministry of Health to approve his proposal to make an almost abandoned project into a Cardiac, Kidney and Diabetes Hospital and also increasing the Sarawak General Hospital by 150+ beds by moving Heart, Kidney and Diabetic patients out to SIMC. The Opposition media and propaganda machine started condeming the SIMC project saying it cost Rm400M ,that it is too expensive, the young doctor proposing the project was corrupt and money can be used for other things. They failed to understand, the money for SIMC was already spent, the young doctor was now salvaging the project and making the best use on what is available on hand. The opposition media failed to realise, even if they spent Rm100M and built another hospital, the real cost to the public will still be more expensive than SIMC. The most unfortunate thing is that a lot of people who professed to be smart, buys into this opposition propaganda. Exact case for SCORE. Exact case for BAKUN. Remember how the Twin Towers construction was condemned by Lim Kit Siang, today, the Twin Towers is a sign of Malaysian prestige Internationally. Today when we go overseas, we are proud to call ourselves Malaysians. I have met many people who are embarassed to let people know where they come from. If we subscribe too much to the opposition propaganda, we will be no more than third world beggars in the eyes of the international communities. Those of us who have been overseas know where as Malaysians were are placed in Asia. Consider Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India etc.....maybe our economy is not as good as some, but hell, our Malaysian is given more prestige internationally than the rest.....why I ask you.....? Could it be because we have the Twin Towers, could it be because we can afford to send some one to the moon.....seems like waste of money...but is it?
    Saturday at 6:59pm ·

  • George Then
    I think it's great that a white elephant can be put to work. Bravo to the doctor involved. He is a real asset to our beloved homeland and I'm proud of him. It would have been much better though if there were not so many such elephants aroun...d. Such abnormal coloured animals should be rare and not common because they can make a monkey out of us. And we all know monkeys are paid peanuts. If we don't demand and expect accountabilty from those who are supposed to work on our and our children's behalf, we may find ourselves living in a zoo someday soon with many white elephants and monkeys for company. It will then take many generations to evolve back into humans again. Think about the Marcos effect. Our Filipino brothers have not climbed out of their big hole yet even though Marcos has been long gone. I wonder if their reputation and standing in the world would have been saved by a very tall structure in their midst?
    Saturday at 10:25pm ·

  • Patrick Song
    I am just wondering how to classify what is a white elephant project and what is not. Just imagine if you were having a heart attack, would a cardiac hospital costing an exorbitant amount still be considered a white elephant or would you ju...st be thankful for the existence of a hospital. My point is that, if the project or spending is to service the public, then, I am all for it, even if there are some leakages. SCORE is one of those projects, which in the long run, will be highly beneficial to the people of Sarawak, same as Bakun and even the 5 standby coal fired stations. I rather tolerate the leakages but yet have these public benefiting projects come to existence. Even with a change in government, these leakages will still occur, just look at Penang and Selangor. Kelantan govt is so frugal, the towns still look like Santubong village in the 1970s with cattle roaming the roads. In Sarawak, even with the opposition reported leakages, our state still have a lot of development, much more than other states.
    Saturday at 10:43pm ·

  • George Then
    It's precisely because both groups are not faultless that competition is our only hope and is therefore good. We have seen how easy it is for politicians asking to be our servant at election becoming our emperor when they won. Competition c...ompels people to be more transparent with their plans and intended outcomes, so that these can be scrutinised and eventually judged by the voters. Hopefully, the leakages will shrink and not grow with time and real competition. Without competition, the people holding our purse strings become 'careless'. It's human to be 'lazy'. Competition reduces the 'laziness' in the people working on our behalf, God willing. It's not going to be perfect but as we have seen elsewhere, accountable gov'ts do come out and explain to complaints. It's when people in power don't feel obliged to answer, explain and take responsibility for things that don't go as planned that we find the elepants may indeed be white. That's how we can tell the elephants apart.
    Yesterday at 12:06am
  • Choo Lip Chan Pat, whats in it 4 u? :-). Any left over for me? Haha. For me, i SCORE every nite
    Yesterday at 9:17am ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Metinks the lines of the political divide has been drawn eons ago, east is east n west is west n never the twain shall meet, so lets get apolitical lest it divides us
    Yesterday at 9:39am ·

  • Patrick Song Lip, Not every one is a mercenary, there are some people who still act on their beliefs without need for compensation and ulterior motives. For me, fate has smiled on me and given me more than my fair share of successes in my life, it is now time for me to give some back
    Yesterday at 10:13am ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Am glad u found success in the chaos that is malaysia, Pat. Thats the crux of the problem, those that benefited from silly system wants status quo, those that didn't want changes.
    Yesterday at 11:06am ·

  • Choo Lip Chan And then there are some like me who has done very well, ahem, but am disappointed that Malaysia with all its potential, could have been so much more. Time to stop comparing ourselves to the laggards like Fiji, Solomon Isles and learn from Spore, Taiwan n Korea
    Yesterday at 11:09am ·

  • Choo Lip Chan ‎*TIME TO CHANGE* Trust me, it can't be any worse
    Yesterday at 11:10am ·

  • Patrick Song
    ‎*TIME TO CHANGE*....This is a bull crap catch cry created by the opposition to con the unthinking portion of the voting public. I ask you one question, how to change when Anwar and Chong Chien Jen goes about making press statements that PR... is not expected to win the coming Sarawak State elections, only to gain a firmer foothold, this is not change, this is a con. I want real change and the only real change is an evolution or even a revolution from within. Make no qualms about it, BN will form the next Sarawak State government, with or without Chinese representation. At the end of the day PR Sarawak, will still be waving flags and banners and being totally ignored by the State government as usual, but if the evolution is from within, it is much harder for the leaders to ignore. There are alot of new blood entering the arena. Let them into the government stables and you will see a real and effective change, something much faster than waiting for the opposition, who are themselves in total disarray. Friends, we have only an average of 4 score and 7 years on earth, and lately with a lot of our friends checking out early, I may not meet the average, so I want to see effective changes ASAP, and the only way is through an internal evolution and revolution. You want to lay your hope on DAP, PKR, PAS, SNAP? you have to TKK...Tan Koo Koo....
    Yesterday at 12:56pm ·

  • Alejandro Alemannia
    George. The 'competition' strategy is very valid. For example, in Selangor, the Lands Office there is now very efficient. Previously, it took 3 months MINIMUM to complete any title change and varying scales of kopi o up to RM5K for it to ...be 'expedited' to 1 month. When the new government took over, they interchanged the front office with the back office staff. Kopi o no longer accepted and now everyone on even standing and a straightforward title change effected within 1 month without any exceptions.

    One of my lawyer fren told me a funny story earlier last year. Her runner went to the lands office with 5K for an expedited title change. On arrival, the runner guy was surprised to see a whole set of new staff at the front office and could not locate the 'usual person' he deals with. So he proceeded with the lady who processed the application and offered the usual kopi o as usual. The lady indicated that payment for the Memorandum of Transfer can only be made after adjudication. The runner blinked and indicated that the 5K was an incentive for expedition. The lady answered "Dosa tu taw"! hahhahahaha

    Yesterday at 2:43pm ·

  • Patrick Song If it was as easy as to introduce a Hire and Fire policy for the civil service. Even the UK, father of the civil service system, after how many hundred years still have their share of problems
    Yesterday at 3:05pm ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Pat, you are preaching to the converted. The rest of us just don't see things the way you do, but hey, lets agree to disagree. Don't stress your little ticker, ok? Long live DAP
    11 hours ago ·

  • Patrick Song Yes. Lip, you need a long life if u want to see changes implemented through DAP, better Long Live "ONE MALAYSIA"
    11 hours ago ·

  • Alejandro Alemannia
    ‎1Malaysia is an abject failure when we still talk about Chinese (race based) representation in the government. Putting political parties aside, the issues that are of interest to myself personally, are the issues faced by the people and w...e need a Malaysian/Sarawakian government that are able to address them and resolve them irregardless of political parties (which must be stressed again that NO political parties have been mentioned in my previous postings). I am sure we are all happy to support ANY MALAYSIAN to represent us who can address and deliver solutions to the long standing issues faced by the people.
    7 hours ago ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Well, 1st things 1st, we hv gotta get rid of a rapacious plunderer of state's wealth, and he can only do that if Bee End wins, so they hv 2 lose, and if we hv 2 sacrifice some good BN reps as collateral damage, so be it. O'wise we r just like filipinos under Marcos. After ridding him, we may be no better still(again, filipinos), but i think we can do better, if not, BOOT EM OUT AGAIN. Wat 2 do?
    7 hours ago ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Politicians shld NOT abuse their given powers 2 obscenely enrich themselves. Period. If they wanna get rich, go into business, just like Pat, and take their chances with everybody else.
    7 hours ago ·

  • Alejandro Alemannia or when the plunderer meets his maker.
    7 hours ago ·

  • Choo Lip Chan I think that is taking the easy way out. Anyway, i can't wait any longer, seeing d flame burns brightest b4 it goes out, so if he can stay another 2 years, we might hv 2 pay 4 d air we breathe, as he wanna take it all
    7 hours ago ·

  • Choo Lip Chan ‎1Malaysia, wawasan 2020, Msia Boleh, management by walking around, All shit soundbites from 3rd grade biz schools. Just do the job u r entrusted with, and do it well. Rest will fall in place
    7 hours ago ·

  • Patrick Song
    Lip, dont get misled by propaganda from either side, but news from a reliable source is that he will be in the Istana by the end of next year. 4 score and 7 years, he has by passed it by a long haul. Dont waste your energy, time, opportunit...y and resources by thrying to get him out, when he will do so in a short time. Better to plan for what comes after the fact. BN will form State government in 2011. PR may have a chance in 2016 if BN does not buck up and improve their performance. But us practical and realistic people should work on what will be, not what might be in 2016, by then (4 score and 7 years) might be well upon some of us.....
    6 hours ago ·

  • Choo Lip Chan Pat, and the alternatives we have? Jabu? Satem? Tengah? All tarred by same brush, all unclean. If SKH or abg jo, tell me again. I may change my mind
    6 hours ago ·

  • Patrick Song Lip, you are absolutely correct, that is why fighting and changing from within is the only way forward. It is like fighting a Tiger Tank with stick and stones. But if you are inside the Tank, stick and stones, may well see you taking over the helm of the Tank.....think about it, dont waste your vote on the oppositions non-sensible approach of making an impact on the state government of Sarawak.
    6 hours ago

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Alejandro Alemannia On the flight to KL from Kuching last Thursday 23rd Sept 2010, I met a young 21 year old Bidayuh chap who could barely speak Bahasa Malaysia. He was only familiar with the Bidayuh dialect spoken in his kampung. This surely must be the last straw that broke the camel's back! Malaysia supposedly a modern country? Malaysia education? Where has all the Sarawakian money gone?

    • Patrick Song
      A lot of people are being blinded by the opposition's propaganda on how the rural communities are deprived of development under the current BN government. I took some time off recently and went to Bario and Long Lama, the month before I wen...t to the coastal areas of Mukah, Daro and Bruit. There are several schools, clinics, email, in those areas, I was surfing the net on my Black berry. The Penans and alot of the local kids chose not to attend school, that is why they end up in the poverty trap, without education. The biggest problem is that the government gives too much freedom of choice. Imagine if our parents did not force us to go to school everyday, we would all end up being farmers and fisherman....sometimes a bit of force is good...
      Saturday at 5:51pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia Kampung Gita next to the CM house has pockets of houses running only generator power from 6pm to 6am. Is this propaganda?
      Saturday at 6:53pm ·

    • Jeremy Lee ‎1Malaysia is not about racial equality. Then what is it? Just another pointless propaganda?
      Saturday at 7:32pm ·

    • Patrick Song
      There are similar issues in Sg Apong and Foochow rd as well but the reason for the electricity and water not being connected is due to the fact that those residences are illegal squatters on private Land. The politicians have resettled the...se squatters several times into low cost housing schemes but as soon as one group move out another move in. The catch 22 is that the authorities are not allowed to destroy the vacated illegal premises as they are on private land, only the land owner can do that. Utilities can only be connected to titled and registered lots. SESCO although is quasi govt, it is not a father christmas coy, It all boils down to the fact that the people you mention are illegally residing on someones property. You need to ask the smart question "if SESCO can make money why not connect these residences into the grid,? There must be a logical answer? The opposition mentality will be to politicise this but there is a logical reason and a practical solution is underway, but definitely not just a bandaid panadol solution normally prescribed by opposition groups.
      Saturday at 7:56pm ·

    • Patrick Song Fiji and Solomon island had racial equality until the native islanders were displaced in both economics and politics, until they took up arms and nationalise everything. I prefer an equality which allow me to live peacefully and do my business profitably and all races live comfortably even if it means one lending a hand to the other, ofcourse there will be some individuals who will not be able to compete but sometimes we need to look pass the individual for the greater good for the country as a whole.
      Saturday at 8:05pm

    • Alejandro Alemannia
      hahaha.. Patrick.. ok3.. got the point... we have many reasons for this and that... and the only place with no reason for any issues is a mansion with horse range, liberace piano and rolls royce... Question: Why are there so many squatters?... They choose to do so?
      Jeremy: Agreed fully with your point.

      Saturday at 8:05pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia Footnote: The young bidayuh guy is searching for new opportunities in KL. The agent that received him at LCCT told me that the group of Sarawakian he is receiving will be working as baggage handlers at KLIA. If not for anything else, I believe that this guy will soon pick up quick enough together with the rest of the group and move onto bigger and better things. A sliver lining!
      Saturday at 8:17pm ·

    • Patrick Song
      Unfortunately there is always the preconcieved idea that cities have more opportunity and wealth. A good example is yourself, heading to KL to look for more money. I on the other hand see more opportunities back in the jungles of Sarawak. A...lthough the earnings are better in the towns and cities, many forgot about the cost of living are also higher. No longer can they pick midin to eat in their backyard, eat tapioca, shoot wild boar etc, without high education level, they cannot earn enough, so they have to resort to squatting on land which belonging to others to make ends meet. That is why rural projects such as SCORE, dam project, oil palm plantations new rice fields are so important.
      Saturday at 8:37pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia New rice fields: AGREE 100%. SCORE? propaganda to korek funds for individual use..... same as Samajaya.
      Saturday at 8:56pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia hahhaha.. yes3.. we should confine the land owner to their midin, rice, wild boar, tapioca etc so they don't become squatters. :)
      Saturday at 9:06pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia ‎.... and meanwhile our educated can built their palatial homes and enjoy the rolls royce, liberace piano, ferraris, bmw 6 series, canadian homes, australian homes, british homes etc.. for the EDUCATED. hahahahahaha.... I get it! TQ
      Saturday at 9:09pm ·

    • Patrick Song
      SCORE is important so those who are educated can have the choice of either working in near their homes or migrate to the cities, for whatever reasons. The rice fields, plantations are for those like myself who are not so good academically, ...so we can also survive well, without being forced to join the urban migration. We must never be jealous or bitter about others who own Rolls Royce, Liberace Pianos, Ferraris and what not, because, they managed to get these because they worked "smart", they must have done something right, no body is going to give them all these things for nothing, so whether they worked hard, schemed or planned, what ever, they have the ability beyond those who do not have these assets. We should be envious and strive to attained this level of wealth as well. We all have our own strategies of how to get it. Their way we may feel is wrong, so we will have our own way, as long as it produces the desired results we will have reached our objectives.
      We must never be jealous, it is destructive, we should always be constructive and have an optimist, outlook otherwise everthing you do will fail and everything will seem so difficult.

      Sunday at 9:45am ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia Envy and jealousy would be way beyond the Sarawak Dayaks who have been robbed of their native land, denied basic services like electric and water, for the benefit of others to buy their Rolls Royces, Liberace pianos, Ferraris and what not. The word WEALTH is not even in their dictionary even though they are the rightful land owners.
      Sunday at 10:44am ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia A politician is PAID to do their job by the Rakyat and in this case as state CM and as such is accountable to the Rakyat. The Rakyat has the right to know how the state funds have been spent and why and how their EMPLOYEE has accumulated his wealth while they are left to ponder where the next meal is coming from.
      Sunday at 10:55am ·

    • Patrick Song
      The rhetoric that you have just made is an indication of an armchair politician and the success of the opposition's disinformation and misinformation. I was just like everyone in our generation and younger, reading, believing and trusting w...ithout question, all the news on the ' alternative media' sources. The BN government in Sarawak are by no means angels, we want so much to believe the government is bad that we no longer objectively evaluate opposition propaganda, this is dangerous. I decided to go to the ground to see for myself recently and found a lot of the opposition news are half truths designed to misinform the public. The government sources are no better, but we are more critical of them and more aware of lies and trickery, while we take the opposition as gospel truth all the time but I personnaly discovered some are outright lies and many such as yourself who have no means to verify the truth except to rely on the oppositions broadcast. You need to be careful in assessing the information from boyh the government and opposition sources before coming to a decision. Eg. Taib is super rich, but Anwar is no pauper either, just wondering where he got his money from? We like to believe Anwar and family is surviving on the Rm2 I pay to buy the Rocket newspaper every month, or the Rm20 per ticket for the PKR dinner. Think about it. Our parents didn't spend so much money for us to study in overseas to be non thinkers and swallow all and any shit that comes our way.......
      Sunday at 12:01pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia Then we need the people who are accused to correct these misconceptions and propaganda and we would dearly love to be corrected. The example in my status did not come from any alternative media but a personal encounter and wondering how in modern Malaysia/Sarawak a young Bidayuh chap in this day and age is unable to speak the National Language and the gap between our White Rajah & him.
      Sunday at 4:39pm ·

    • Alejandro Alemannia Let us put aside BN, PKR or any other political parties here (which has not been mentioned in any of the above postings) and let us focus on the issue raised originally about modern Malaysia education system, the product from it (the young Bidayuh chap name Alan) and what the government (irregardless of whichever political party was, is or will be in power) implement to resolve it.
      Sunday at 4:50pm ·

    • Patrick Song
      Well, the implementation of more rural economic projects like SCORE is the most important factor in increasing the level and quality of education and living standards in the rural sector. An example is Labuan. In the 80's the locals were ha...ppy to go to Form 3 or Form 5 as the only job opportunities on the island at that time were low level clerical jobs. In 1991 when Labuan was made into an International Financial Centre, the locals realise the need for a higher level of education. The kids were sent to Singapore, KL and overseas to pursue degrees so as to be employable in high level jobs on the island. That is why I strongly support such projects. Just because some parties may gain more than others from the project , does it mean we oppose it? Why do we go for a lose-lose situation. If it is a Rm100M, someone siphon Rm50M, so what, we the rakyat have still have the remainder Rm50M, better than ZERO ......We do not live in a perfect world, we make the best of what we got. Only in Haven is everything perfect, even there, bad hat bastards like us will have a hard time competing with the church going, god fearing, goody two shoes from earth. They are sure to have an advantage over us.....
      Sunday at 11:31pm ·

Friday, August 20, 2010

All Saints Gathering

All Saints Year 83 Hari Raya Gathering

Date: Wednesday 15th Sept

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Kuching

Time: 7.30-10.30p.m.

* Please RSVP if you are in town. Hiang 0198187938

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Boys watching porn

Punisher, Eshlie, Sobeng, Pat & Hiang

Patrick Song:

Hiang, Our collective replies

You are embarassing us, come on, watching porn is for naughty school boys,......." NOW WE PARTICIPATE"....... Haji Feisol

Sex is Like a car, press the pedal, if it dont move, get a new one, or change to RON97...............Haji Eshlie

if you still have to watch, you must be doing something wrong...Sylvester Chieng.

I dont know anything, I am just a good catholic school boy from St Joe...Pat

Thursday, August 05, 2010