+ Check this out! (Miscellaneous Pics)
CHeck out Pat in the NST!!
Our Very Own Mr. President and Vice President!!!!! Check it out
ST JOSEPH'S 125th ANNIVERSARY PHOTOS (Photos will be added from time to time) 16 August 2007
Patrick's Playground and Toys in Layang Layang.
Check out the GATHERING in Spore with Gabriel Ling..
It's these little moments that brings us back to earth and regardless of what all our earthly objectives are, it is FAMILY and FRIENDS that matters the most through thick and thin. A good opportunity during the ST JOE 125th anniversary to renew our acquaintances.
To: All Josephians,
1. HAPPY 125th BIRTHDAY - This Year, our beloved Alma Mater reaches her 125 Birthday.To commenmorate our School's attainment this historic milestone the Old Josephians' Association has organised a Grand Reunion Dinner on Saturday, 18 August 2007 at the Sarawak Chamber Ballroom, Riverside Crowne Plaza Hotel.This will be an occasion for all Josephians including those currently overseas, to re-establish contact amongst themselves and with the School as she prepares to enter into a new phase of her mission to produce new generations of fine Josephians inculcated with the great traditions and qualities of a LaSallian education.
2. LASALLE BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL & HEADMASTERS - As a tribute to the Lasalle Brothers, the Rev.Bro. Visitor and all the Rev. Brothers who have served in St Joseph's and all former Headmasters of both the primary and secondary school will be invited.
3. GUEST OF HONOUR - The Chief Minister of Sarawak, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, an old boy of the School and Patron of the Old Josephians Association, will grace the Dinner as our Guest of Honour.Several old boys who are Ministers in the State and Federal Governments will also attend.The response from former teachers and students residing overseas has been most encouraging. At this stage the Organsing Committee is able to confirm the attendance of Mr.Matthew Warrier and his wife Quinn, now staying in Perth.Mr Warrier taught in St Joseph's in the 1960s and is well liked and respected as a teacher and sportsmaster.
4. PERFORMANCES - The SJS Band, which won the award for best School Marching Band in Malaysia (2006) will perform at the Grand Reunion Dinner.Some old Josephians who are now accomplished artistes have volunteered to display their talents.
5. TICKETS FOR SALE - Tickets for the Dinner will be on sale as from 18 June.They are priced at RM600 and RM1,000 per table of ten persons.They are obtainable from the School Office through Mr Raymond Sim ( Tel.082-240885) or through Mr Louis Ng,Hon Secretary of the association via email : kwl202@pd.jaring.my The Ballroom where the Dinner is held accommodates only 80 tables plus a few guest tables.So please book early.
6. FOOTBALL MATCH! - In conjunction with the 125 Anniversary Celebration, a football match between an Old Boys' team and the Present Boys' school team will be held at the School Ground (the scene of many memorable Macdonald Cup matches) on Friday 17 August 2007 at 5 pm.The Old Boys Team will be led by En Sudasorno Osman, a former School player now Director of Lands & Surveys. Those interested can contact En Sudarsono vis Tel.082 446446.Datuk Michael Manyin, a former School Soccer Captain, now Minister for Environment & Public Health, has consented to be Team Manager.The winner will receive the Anniversary trophy donated by the President of the Association, Tan Sri Bujang b.Mohd Nor.
7. CALLING ALL JOSEPHIANS - After the match, the famous field will undergo rehabitation, including the replacement of subsoil drainage pipes and a new perimeter fence next to it, will be built to provide security for the School and its student population.The estimated cost of this project is RM600,000.00. The Old Josephians Association, in consultation with the Board of Management of the School, intends to raise this amount from amongst the Old Boys and well wishers. Your support for this project and reponse to this year's CALLING ALL JOSEPHIANS campaign will be most welcom. Last year's campaign raised over RM150, 000.00 which went towards getting new equipment and uniforms for the School Band resulting in the Band winning the Best School Marching Band awards.This Year's fund will be used to carry the School Field rehabitaion and fencing project. Cheques and drafts for donation to this project can be made payable to 'St. Joseph's Secondary School'or 'St Joseph's Old Boys Association' and sent to the School for attention of Mr Dominic Pan, the Principal.
8. NOSTALGIA - All Josephians are cordiall invited to make a visit to the School during the weekend of the Celebration, especially before or after the Old Boys v. Present Boys Scoccer game and on Saturday,18 August.Those who like to be updated about the School can contact Mr Pan via telophone no.082 240885.
9. ACCOMODATION - Those Josephians coming from outside Kuching who need accommmodation can contact the Association's Vice President vis his email : jcfong@sarawaknet.gov.my or his secretary, Ms Png Gek Noi vis phone 082 440732 or email : pnggn@sarawaknet.gov.my .
10. WEBSITE - The Organising Committee has decided to establish a website with the help of Mr Christopher Chua (Tel;012 2200767). Once ready you will be notified, we should be able to channel to you through that medium further news of our School,s 125 Anniversary Celebrations and in future you could be regularly updated with news about our Alma Mater.
11. KEEP IN TOUCH - That's all for the time being.We stay in touch and see you in August.
Please kindly forward this email to as many Josephians (old & present) that might be in your email list. Or, if you wish your classmates and friends to be updated, do kindly email me their email and I will forward the email to them. Thanks!
Yours sincerely,
Benedict Lo
on behalf of Organising Committee for SJS 125 Anniversary Celebrations.
I do recommend being a lazy kayaker.....let the gatorade and chips do all the paddling.
I am beginning to think that I have reached Pat's size and be his body double. Gotta lose some weight!!!!
Pat is showing the photos of his diving experience...the scene is spectacular but honestly, he probably needs an anchor to weigh him down there to take all these photos. We all remember he has an inbuilt floatation device. BTW, the photos are from Layang Layang Trip. Ok Leslie Hayward...what about going there for a dive???
Photo taken by Jackson Lee Thong Huat during one of his recent shipwreck dives in Kuching water showing the the anchor winch of a Japanese shipwreck (believedto be 2nd WW wreck). If any of you interested in underwater photos, please let us know and Jackson can share with us all.
Oh yeah I struck gold too on my 1.5 hr layover in Reno, Nevada.....all USD120 bucks of it...after investing about USD 60!!! But I enjoyed the view of the triple bars ..
Gathering in LA with Yan Ling and Jeff Woon. Yan Ling had a Laksa Party! 12 May 2007
Here's a yummy sample!
Life gotta be good if your only agenda is to paddle in a kayak around Gig Harbor , Washington and stop by at the lighthouse for a snack.
Got a chance to go for a hike at Little Mount Si in Seattle too! The view is spectacular up there.
Singapore Get Together - Seems to be the happening place for reunions!
From L-R: Alex aka Mrs CY, Kenneth, CY, WE, CCJ, CCJ's daughter, Lu Min aka Mrs CCJ, Ken's daughter
Mary.... I did not know that you are a model too!
Can you guess who 's face is connected to this ass? The lady with the right guess will get you a date with him!!!!
Ok, at least there is a photo of proof of the get-together in HK. And you guys never formally/informally met each other before this!!!??? other than the occassional peeking from the side at each other in Kenyalang Park! Seated L to R, Mary, Charles and Kian Teck
Kheng Hock was in town and the 3 stooges help to paint it red at Merdeka Palace on Wednesday evening 8 Nov 2006. This is how 4 intoxicated clowns behave.
------------------------------- END of Merdeka Palace's sojourn ------------------------------
(Lau Hong Swee, Leslie Hayward, Chan Jui Hin, James Wong Kying Mee, Patrick Song and Yeo Tiong Chia)
The first 'hug' of the day was between Swee and Pat. It started when they were picking sea crabs at the restaurant.
On arrival day, Leslie's and Swee's flight was delayed from KL but good thing is they came at the same time as me (Yeo) and Jui Hin from KK. So Pat picked us all up in one big 'swop' at the airport and packed all of us into his twin cab pick-up. James arrived a day earlier and was not tin-canned like the rest of us.
Mud crabs galore..baby...........
Patrick telling one of his many funny stories. This one is about a crab I think.
Jui Hin on a special diet...white rice only ...just like in the good old school days.
Eh....Jui Hin. How about some rice for me too huh???
Time for Leslie's cigars and drifting off into a 'food coma'...
The aftermath of the crab dinner...
Pat giving lessons to Swee and Leslie at his farm on what a chicken should look like.
Are they the St Thom's guys??? Check out the horns and hoofs. They must be Thomians!
Pat horsing around with the Thomians.
Check out the Divemaster!
Swee and Jui Hin lubing KY jelly all over their body. What they gonna do next ...cannot be published on this blog. Are they going diving or brokebacking??
This is serious diving shit. I am not licensed so I am not going to even try it. They were exploring wrecks below and you have to be pretty experienced to go along with them.
From the expression on Swee's and Jui Hin's face, I guessed none of us is going to suit-up and dive!
But if we have gone diving at Pulau Papan wreck, we would have seen this creature. This is a shot from one of the diver's camera.
The rest of us macho men decided to leave the Divemaster on an inflatable boat to go to Pulau Papan for fun and adventure...well it is more like laze-ing around under the coconut trees and talk nonsense.
The Landing at Pulau Papan. Swee was entrusted with the most important mission- carrying the cooler with drinks.
Pulau Papan. Take note of the jetty on the island as well as on the satellite photo below.
FYI, Pulau Papan is not far from Labuan. Here is a snapshot from Google Earth. Patrick is going to build chalets on this island. Those of you who are interested, better call Pat quick to reserve your loveshack. The island has a nice path for strolling around the island with a girlfriend or two..and at some places the views are fantastic. Just imagine, a romantic cruise and then check into the chalet for some...shade ahem...snorkelling nearby...beautiful sunset ...what a place to be at!
Ex-Josepians reunion and who is that in the middle?? We had lunch on board the Divemaster; lobster, mangrove jacks, squid, curry and fruits, melons..melons...melons. Yummy.
Shooting the breeze under the coconut trees at Pulau Papan or did someone rip a big one?
Leslie with da 'sport fisherman' pose. All the fish are scared shit! We were trolling on Pat's boat the 'Sea Baby'.
Leslie screaming at the giant f...... fish. He had to 'pump and work' to bring it in. Of course, we never got to see the 'fu.....fish'. It unhooked when he was pulling it near the boat. The big one that got away, yeah that's the story he will be telling you all! Swee on the other hand......
...................caught a 'saito' fish and a plastic bag!
Catching up to the Divemaster after trolling but it was to much of a hassle for the big boat to stop and get us on board....so we head straight back to Labuan in the small boat.
BBQ at Pat's place in Sungai Labu.
Is Swee lapping his tongue too? Take a Look closer!
Meet Lynn ..our favorite duty free shop assistant....wish she could be free that evening too ahem! U know to go out for makan only la...what you thinking? Aiyah.
Labuan Historical Museum
Leslie claimed he is no longer the 'shortie' that we remembered him during our school days but is now as tall as Swee and James. OK now James and Swee, you can get up from the chairs now.
At Labuan Maritime Museum. Dont know who is our classmate in the middle.
My mangrove jack
Kying Mee's one is bigger...
Pat, the master, showing how it is done!
These are the rivers around Menumbok in Sabah where we fished for mangrove jacks.
Time to say Adios and looking forward to our next meeting.
Swee was the second last person to leave Labuan and as you can see he is hooked on fishing.
Me working on the blog at Pat's house relaxing with the i-squeeze. I wish Pat has an i-gallop too that comes with the girls riding on it...hahahhaha
The day after most of you left, the weather threw a fit. This photo was taken from one of Pat's boat. Strong winds and waves hit the waterfront marina. Hmm...any coincidence with 7.5 month on the chinese calendar?
Check out the "Sea-Baby" for going up river in the mangroves....absolutely fabulous for casting..
The gathering at Chiaw Jin's in Spore: the host and doggie, CTA, WE
Me and Hulba 12th July 2006. Now guess who is "free and easy" and not the one who has to work for a living!!
Apologies to David who sent me this pic of him conquering Mt KK sometime ago. You should try it once in your life! Exhausting but fun.
Nice stacks at Bako. Hiang, it will be good for kayaking provided that there are no waves.
Correction: Patrick's 'Yatch' in Labuan.
David Sie, Joanne & family
Theng Aik, Jaime, doggie, (Jui Hin and Maggie's kids) Natasha and Nikita
Mr Lim Hock Peng showing how to dive for oysters
A hot lady once told me " 40 is a very sexy age". Here are 4 sexy studs in KL; Jui Hin, Theng Aik, Hong Swee and Yeo
Fabian and William having 'tea' in Buntal
Events in life to remember: Great Wall of China, Man landing on the Moon and then Theng Aik smoking
Man! Check out the Pecks on this guy. Mr Lim Hock Peng and Yeo; snorkelling trip in Lundu